Getting started getting organized

Over the years I have shot many tens of thousands of images. Being one who devotes way too little time to his photography, one of the areas where I fare particularly poorly is in the organizing, cataloguing and processing of images. But time is not my only enemy.  I am just plain damn bad at cataloguing efficiently and in a manner that helps retrieval at a later date. And since I am also throwing excuses about, let me add one more: I must admit I find Lightroom's cataloguing system to be less than intuitive, requiring a long and steep learning curve to be helpful. In short, my filing system sucks.

I have also created several websites over the years (or shall I say I have loaded images into templates created by some other whiz). Once again, I haven't found many of the providers' tools to be that intuitive for me, one who is marginally technically challenged! Adding images and simplifying the browsing has always seemed to be more complicated than I am certain it really is.

So, I decided to start again, finding a website provider that would offer me a simple, clean and user-friendly template in which to load my images for public searching and viewing. Enter Squarespace. Advised by my tech-savvy 19-year old and a similarly tech-savvy 21-year old student billeting with us over the summer, I was informed it was one of the most user-friendly and intuitive sites around. So here I am. It took a while, and some younger-generation assistance to transfer my domain name over, and to get the first steps going, but I think I have entered the realm of reasonable independence - for now.

Unlike with prior websites, I am also not going to post dozens of images from each location. Rather, in keeping with my desire for simplicity, I am forcing myself to choose my top few for each location (not always easy) and to lay them out in a way that makes for easy viewing and enjoyment.

So, as of now, I am "getting started getting organized". My aforementioned son offered an observation a few minutes ago that "getting started getting organized" was missing a comma, as in "getting started, getting organized". Indeed, this mere grammatical difference causes these two phrases to have somewhat different meanings. But I'm not writing about grammar today. Perhaps another time.